East Cobb Dental

First Visit Expectations

Below is an overview of what you can expect during your child’s first visit to Children’s Dentistry of East Cobb,

During your child’s first visit to Children’s Dentistry of East Cobb, our friendly team will warmly welcome you and your child, creating a relaxed and positive atmosphere from the moment you arrive. We’ll take the time to get to know your child and address any questions or concerns you may have about their dental health. Our goal is to establish a foundation of trust and comfort, ensuring that your child feels safe and supported throughout their dental journey with us. Through age-appropriate education and gentle care, we aim to empower your child to embrace good oral hygiene habits that will last a lifetime.


Along with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, we recommend that a child's first dental visit be scheduled by their 1st birthday. As parents, you can help make your child's visit a positive one.

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Your child’s first dental visit is a wonderful opportunity for us to establish a rapport with your child. We feel this is very important to ensure your child begins to become familiar with our dental office and our team. You and your child will receive a guided tour of our office by a member of our friendly and informative team.

We will do a comprehensive review of your child’s medical health history and discuss any special concerns or needs you may have for your child. Our team will spend quality time demonstrating our dental instruments to your child in a gentle and fun way. As your child becomes more comfortable and excited about the visit, we will then complete a comprehensive oral exam, cleaning, and placement of topical fluoride. Radiographs (x-rays) may also be recommended at this visit. We will review any recommended nutritional choices and give oral hygiene instructions.

It is best to refrain from using words around your child that might cause unnecessary fear such as “needle,” “shot,” “pull,” “drill,” or “hurt.”

What To Expect

We are experienced in dealing with children with anxiety and can explain treatment procedures positively and pleasantly to avoid any anxious or negative feelings about dentistry.

Children should be encouraged to discuss any fears or anxiety they feel.

After the exam is complete, your child will receive a “goody bag” complete with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. Your child will also get to choose a sticker and a special reward.

During this time, our doctors and team will give you a summary of your child’s dental exam and answer any questions you may have about your child’s oral health.

We value the trust you place in us as part of your child’s healthcare team and appreciate your cooperation in creating a positive, confidence-boosting experience for your child. 


Children with Special Needs

Every child deserves access to compassionate, comprehensive, thorough dentistry in a comforting, private and supportive environment. Our entire team at Children’s Dentistry of East Cobb is skilled in caring for children with special care needs.

When caring for children with special needs, our overall approach to dentistry doesn’t change, but the treatment plan may be slightly different to accommodate any issues you may be facing at home; e.g., brushing, flossing, dietary concerns and addressing aversions to food textures and tastes, etc. We are always empathetic to the needs of the caregiver as well as the child and show support in any way we can.

Our doctors’ empathy and advanced training allows them to read a child’s body language to help them even when your child can’t express those feelings themselves. The team at Rocklin Pediatric Dentistry has been trained to help every child remain as calm as possible throughout their visit.

Our office’s treatment rooms are designed to accommodate children with special needs so we can administer care in an environment that is accessible, comfortable and private for your child.

By visiting Children’s Dentistry of East Cobb, you can rest assured that your child will be in the care of someone who can understand them and give them the gentle, respectful treatment they deserve.

Special Care for Dental Anxiety

Sometimes a child comes to us that has had a negative dental experience or they are too young to understand the dental treatment needed. We offer different sedation options to help them relax and make their dental appointment more comfortable for everyone, patient and parent alike.

For most patients, laughing gas (nitrous oxide) is very safe and plenty to help your child relax. It is mixed with oxygen and delivered with a small mask worn over your child’s nose. Your child is awake, responsive, and breathes without assistance. When treatment is finished, we administer pure oxygen and the laughing gas will leave your child’s system without lasting effects.

If your child is older or suffers from severe anxiety, in-office IV sedation may be recommended. Our doctors will be able to discuss these options with you to help your child get the care they need.