East Cobb Dental


At Children’s Dentistry of East Cobb, our dedicated team of pediatric dentists is committed to providing exceptional dental care tailored to meet the unique needs of infants, children, and teenagers. We understand the importance of early dental care in ensuring a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Here are some of the comprehensive services we offer to our young patients:

Prevention Tips

Sharing advice on preventing dental issues and maintaining good oral hygiene practices.  At Children’s Dentistry of East Cobb, we recognize the importance of regular dental visits in early detection and prevention of dental problems. Our pediatric dentists are here to support
your child’s oral health journey, ensuring they grow up with healthy smiles and positive dental

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Preventive Dental Care

• Dental Cleanings and Exams: Regular check-ups to maintain oral health.
• Fluoride Treatments: Strengthening  teeth t0 prevent cavities.
• Dental Sealants: Protective coatings to          guard against cavities.

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Cavity detection and treatment

• Dental Fillings: Restoring teeth affected by cavities.
• Pulp Therapy: Specialized treatments for damaged or infected teeth.
• Crowns: Restoration for badly decayed  or damaged teeth

• Silver Diamine Fluoride, or SDF, is a safe, noninvasive treatment that can stop decay in its tracks postponing the need for a permanent restoration, at least for a little while

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Nutritional Counseling

• Diet and Nutrition Guidance: Providing advice for optimal oral health through proper nutrition.

• Importance of Hydration:   Maintaining saliva production, which helps to wash away food particles and neutralize acids in the mouth.

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Parental Education

• Oral Health Education: Teaching parents  how to care for their child’s oral  health at home.

• Oral Hygiene Education: Guidance for children and parents on maintaining good oral health.

• Oral Habit Counseling: Guidance on habits and their impact on oral health.

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Behavioral Guidance

• Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Use Cessation: Support for breaking habits that affect dental health.
Sedation Dentistry:
• Sedation Options: Using techniques like nitrous oxide for anxious or uncooperative
children during procedures.
• Special Needs Dentistry:
Providing specialized care for children with unique    needs.

Emergency Dental Care

• Treatment for Dental Injuries: Immediate care for fractured or knocked-out teeth.
• Pain Relief: Providing relief for toothaches and other dental emergencies.
•Trauma Management: Emergency dental care is essential for managing dental trauma resulting from accidents or sports injuries, including fractures, avulsions (knocked-out teeth), or lacerations to the oral tissues.

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Gum Diseases Management

• Diagnosis and Treatment: Addressing gum  diseases like gingivitis.
• Periodontal Treatments: Managing various gum issues for overall oral health.

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Early Orthodontic Assessment

• Monitoring and Guidance: Ensuring proper tooth and jaw development.
• Orthodontic Referral: Connecting families with orthodontic specialists if needed.

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Teeth Alignment and Bite Correction

• Eruption Monitoring: Ensuring proper            eruption of permanent teeth.
• Orthodontic Referral: Connectin families with orthodontists if teet  alignment issues arise.