East Cobb Dental

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Dear Dr. Taylor

We wanted to thank you for Rosie’s wonderful new smile. We just love it, when we get to see it. You are definitely the Michelangelo of the mouth. From a clump of raw material you have shifted and molded until the true beauty is revealed. However, your greatest challenge lies ahead. I’m afraid Lily will have to be your Sistine Chapel.

Genuine Thanks, D.

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Dear Dr. Taylor,

We would never have had these beautiful smiles on the kids without your hard work. Just thought you would enjoy their graduation pictures.

Thanks and bless you,


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Dear Dr. Taylor and Staff,

Thanks so much for caring about your patients, even when I called you early in the morning. You continue to allow us to have great dental experiences. lan entered in his first road cycling race this weekend. Thanks to you he can smile for the pictures at the finish line with all his front teeth in place!

Thanks The M. Family


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Dear Dr. Taylor,

I would like to thank you for everything you have done for Kristin, especially over the last year. I truly appreciate your care and kindness toward her. She is so proud of her new smile. She looks forward to everything else that is ahead for her. We are very grateful to you.

Sincerely, T.L.

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Dear Dr. Taylor,

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you for fitting us in after our car accident. I know it made your afternoon hectic.I had been  anxious to get Andrew in to check his front teeth and was relieved to hear that they would be fine. My family appreciates all of you so much. Andrew was terrified to visit the dentist until we started coming to your office. Thank you for all you do.

Thank You, Mrs. S.